Maybe this is the last chance to see some species like the Grizzly Bear or the Mexican Gray Wolf, maybe it’s time to shot the last photos and hang them up on a wall.
According to the steps of evolution, Gender Homo arose around 2 million years ago. This primate throve in a way never seen before, due to an amazing ability of adaptation. Using Earth’s resources, has been “conquering” the privilege of dwell such a single planet as ours.
That’s it, we did it! We survive through many Ice Ages, Vulcan eruptions, Earthquakes … but maybe our fate is inside of us, as specie.
The status Quo that we conquered can hardly be defeated unless, of course, by our hands. The hands that once built stone swords, archeries, helmets… can now lay waste our entire civilization.
Everyone should be concerned with Global Warming issues, but also with Extinction.
We must face it, it’s inevitable, just take a look: Darwin wrote that the environment change and the more adaptable beings to an environment thrive, the ones who have favorable characteristics perpetuate their genes. The whole problem lies in the fact that we, acting like we are, are changing the parameters of selection, we are making the role of “nature”, inducing an artificial selection instead of a natural. That’s what’s happening.
Poachers, habitat destruction… all contributing to an end.
What’s necessary to know is that the Food Chains are complex and intrinsically connected. If you induce a perturbation inside a system that lies calm what will happen? it (the perturbation) will be spread throughout the system (what once was organized becomes unorganized) and you can ask: Why that happens? Because the constituent particles of the system are intrinsically connected, the agitation’s movement is spread to the neighbor’s particles and so long.
In Nature, Food Chains are systems, and we induce perturbations into the systems, although there are natural induced perturbations because Nature isn’t a static system, isn’t unchangeable.
You can see that interaction in the next example: Some area is destroyed by a Wildfire. With the loss of grass, trees, etc, herbivores start to starve and many of them die, others migrate to some localization. The carnivores of that area, following the sequence of happenings, start to starve too, although in the earlier months there are huge amounts of meat, due to herbivore’s death, and they not starve at all. Only a few months later they start to die too. Man, well, if were ancient times, we would have to search in another place for a meal or we would die the same way too. Actually, is unimaginable to think that we would die, that’s globalization! Although, if you change the scale: imagine that happening not as a single case but as a global, these events happening throughout the globe due to Greenhouse effect, for example, associating with fire kindled by humans, the scenario would look different, wouldn’t? it’s all about the immediate consequences. We haven’t cultivated the ability to see farther than tomorrow, next week, and that’s a problem.
The biodiversity is fragile and so are we. Today, we can be seen as winners above many diseases, today not tomorrow, we can destroy what took so long to conquer.
What’s the purpose of destroying trees without any concerns about the ecosystems, without any restrictions and without none plantation? Well, it’s simple, money. Everyone knows, at least most of us, that flora is a key piece in life (Who can live without oxygen? ...). Seems that photosynthesis is not a subject worthy of investment.
Protected areas: here lies the true irony of our times, man is so incontrollable that’s necessary build “Big” jails to protect beings that are endangered. You say: “you can’t do that, you must stop!” and he/she says “No!”, Who are the animals right now?
If man is so superior comparatively to the other beings, as some say, shouldn't the mind control the body? I mean, shouldn’t they analyze rationally first and then act? The most evolved brain we have but so little use it has.
Something must be cleared up: the campaigns around the world about Global Warming effects and, in general, about nature issues are, most of times, aggressive and shocking because it’s the only way out of, for some people, a state of unconsciousness.
All the changes have their effects and their influence. The influence must be made, minds must change because the survival of all ecosystems depends on that.
There are no time for “green” prejudices “He/She’s totally crazy, activist! Get out of my way”. The one’s desires, being wrong, can vanish forever our chances to make it through.
Some endangered beings: