From the Nazis to Al Qaeda, with different purposes, we see racism ascending from human heart. Are wrong those who stereotype this feeling. For me is the easier way to describe it, a complex felling, many say that’s a complex problem so the solution isn’t so simple as that but I disagree, because in simple details lay the solution to complex problems. Closed-mind might be the indicated term. How such state can be achieved? Flow of influences. Life shows up, there’s always someone who teaches the others. Someone extremely convincing, very perceptible, the mind-keeper. Generally, only a single person gets straight contact with the mind-keeper and most of time is someone who has a violent past, I mean, someone susceptible to a violent conflict, full of anger, full of revolt, dying to blame a race for one person of it. Let me call him the mind-kept. Once he’s chosen, carefully, the conversion gets started, the mind-keeper just needs to inflame what’s in flames already. Spreading all way down the hierarchy what was taught is the next step to do. Passing the message is vital, I mean, minds must be closed apart from reality, the information must be locked in. An analogy: imagine a chess’s board, the mind-kept is the central piece of it, King, in which the Queen is the right-hand of king, and both task is to collect the other pieces. The mind-keeper? Well, he’s seated, moving all players, knocking down opponents with the purpose of reach his own cause. Let me now make an approach to King’s personality: he must has a character strongly directed to leadership, a commander, a guy who the rest see as an example, as someone to wanna-be.
The other ones? Must be submissive, and usually have already their own record against society, the leader just pull the trigger being erudite, that’s the key to keep them under command. In that point, the delightful and usefulness comes together. He (mind-kept) has much more power than ever, he is worshiped, fanatically followed and extremely manipulative and manipulated. The unit becomes more organized, the attacks more violent and morality seems gone from their minds, that’s extremely interesting, from my point of view, you see, Superego is known as the moral part of our psychic and appears that the way it restricts actions changes dramatically with the knowledge received, I clarify: you have angry and have to lunch out of home, Superego would say “you will lunch but you gotta pay, that’s the right thing to do (is moral)”. What happens is that normally you wouldn’t beat somebody until dead because your Superego restricts that action, “You must not do that!” but in situations triggered by such gangs you see happening something completely different, it’s like: “Hey! That black over there! beat him up, let’s kill him”, “what are you doing? Stop it!”, “why? He deserve it.” … here we see clearly something learned being imposed instead a natural response, it seems like Superego changes its parameters, it’s like there is a selection over who is applied a moral concept, “Don’t beat him up” “Just beat the black guy” … The racism itself only generates more racism. Is a mix of hate, lost, anger, and a huge desire of revenge. Is a vicious circle. Why an entire race? Is always an impertinent question. What leads someone to hate one person only because his color? I think is the best point to start. Causes are diverse but essential lay on society, education and genetic. In short, we all are the result of complex interactions unrolled in three plans: social, genetic and psychological, what means that every single action we make is the result of these interactions. How do we change the way we react? Well, it’s not like teaching a dog how to seat, is more complex than that. The ID, our psychic primitive region, will always interfere in the way we react, Ego will always be the intermediary between ID and referred Superego. What’s left? Can we change even a bit our behavior? I say undoubtedly yes. Let’s rewind: social level is perhaps the field where we can make the greatest progresses such as have a fair and quick justice and educating not to hurt but to denounce hurt and that’s only possible if we understand what hurt is about. Minds most be free but some edges must be established, psychological education would be appropriate, as soon as possible. Genetically? Is true that ones have more propensity to violence but we can’t blame the genes, remember, they define what we are and not who we are, the experiences we pass through, the environment we live, the knowledge we reach is what defines how our brain processes information. The world? The truth is, we weren’t here always and we will not be … one thing is for sure, if we reached the position we reached was because our gender along evolution learned how to work together, how to cooperate, why is language here for? Communicate right? Certainly… Life is too short to be wasted, prejudices must be taken down. Religion must bring us together and not apart. This is an important point due what’s happening actually with terrorist attacks. You see, what’s that beyond racism? Its like “ lets kill the non-believers! The unclean ones! In the name of Allah!”, morality seems gone from their minds too. If their God is who they claim He is than he is extremely racist and the lessons he teaches are wrong.
No matter what,
inside we all look pretty the same, remember, we all came from the same ancestors, white color is only the result of a mutation.
Do not be emotional, be rationally emotional.
“For to be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others.” Nelson Mandela.
“It always seems impossible until its done.” Nelson Mandela.